- I REALLY like saying the name. Like- a whole lot. You know how if a woman has a dress with pockets and you say “I like your dress”- she’ll undoubtedly respond with, “Thanks! It has pockets!” Okay- so if you say anything about my glasses, I’m going to tell you they’re from Warby Parker. Isn’t it fun to say? Try it- Warby Parker. Waaarrrbbbyyyyy Paaarrrrkkkeerrrr.
- They were $95. Like legit $95. I didn’t buy new frames two years ago because mine were still good, and I didn’t want to spend hundreds of bucks for unneeded frames. Now those frames are a little chipped and worn. It was time. But I still didn’t want to spend hundreds. I was doubtful that they would end up being $95 like they advertised, but that’s exactly what I paid. They do have options that you can pay for, but there weren’t any hidden markups.
- They donate a pair of glasses to someone in need. I sure do like that.
Now, don’t get me wrong- I do love supporting the little guy. I don’t want optometrists to go under because of this. For me- I just don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars (in which my vision insurances covers the mint on the receptionist’s desk and basically nothing else) on glasses.